I'm alterhuman, and voidpunk + beastpunk. I call my kintype "polymorphic shape-changer," this label is something I made up for myself and some folks on the OtherConnect Discord server helped me define it -- it means, in my opinion, that my base form isn't 100% stable.

Normally, someone without a base form is just a polymorph, while an individual with one is a shape-shifter/-changer. I am "anymic" (for my kintype as a whole) and "clabi" (for my felinity that often fluctuates between a heart-type/kith-type and a clado with all Felidae).

I'm also transspecies. Like it or leave it.

Below is a list of my most commonly-taken forms:

- All Felidae species; basically a copy of my heart-type described a few lines below. This is the one I see as the most spiritual shapes I take.

- Related to the first one and to my kith/heart-type -- a werecat; AKA an ailuranthrope. A sphinx; of either the Greek or Egyptian varieties. A felitaur; AKA a centaur but the lower body is that of a feline instead of equine.

- The pokemon water-type eeveelution, vaporeon.

- There are many frequent flickers/cameos I experience off-and-on. Like coyotes, some ungulates, dragons, other pokemon species, various very AU fictional characters....etc.

My kith AKA heart-type: all extant/extinct earthly Felidae species, including hybrids like ligers/tigons etc., as well as fictional and mythical cats.